


Suspension Method Pilates

Using the suspension trainer while incorporating Pilates focuses on using your core to control your body weight, increasing your core strength, flexibility and taking your regular mat Pilates to the next level

True movement session 9
  • The combination of traditional and contemporary mat Pilates with a suspension trainer.

True movement session 8
    • Increasing strengthI

    • Increased flexibility

    • Muscle control

    • Improved Posture

    • Injury Prevention

    • Enhanced body awareness

Tracy on work-2
  • Using a suspension trainer such as a TRX or other trainer. We use mat Pilates series in combination with your own body weight to create a full body practice.



Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Suspension Method Pilates benefits any fitness level. From young athletes to seniors. Helping to create strength and flexibility by using their own body weight.

  • You can wear regular exercise clothing that you can move freely in. A pair of grippy socks are encouraged to help hold positions. If you don’t have any, bare feet will work as well.

  • Most of the barre classes are low impact and can be quite beneficial to help rehabilitate injuries. Please discuss prior to class any injuries with your instructor so we can make a safe and effective plan for your individual needs and goals. It is important to have your doctor's permission to resume exercise classes before starting.

  • Suspension Method Pilates classes are typically one hour long.

  • Definitely not! Men actually tend to be less flexible than women. For that reason SMP is important for men to participate in. Many of our clients are athletes both men and women, that are looking to strengthen and improve their flexibility. It is a great option for dry land training.

More questions? Reach out!